Brake Systems

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Brake systems

Anything which moves must also be able to brake. KTR is one of only a handful of manufacturers worldwide to be able to offer two different braking systems: the hydraulic KTR-STOP® and the electromechanical EMB-STOP. Our hydraulical and electromechanical brake systems are globally used in various industries. Customer preference and parameters of the application decide on the selection of the right brake.

Our Brake systems

KTR-STOP® M-D active fixed caliper brake

Service brake optionally with adjustment of air gap

KTR-STOP passive fixed caliper brakes

Depending on size, the KTR-STOP fixed caliper brakes are used as a service brake, holding brake or safety brake.


Our hub with brake disks KTR-STOP NBS can be combined with our brakes including mounting to an additional shaft output on the transmission.

Active floating caliper brakes

Our range of active floating caliper brakes includes hydraulic floating caliper brakes (KTR-STOP) and electromechanical

Passive floating caliper brakes

Our range of spring-operated floating caliper brakes includes hydraulic floating caliper brakes (KTR-STOP) and electromechanical floating caliper.

Thruster brakes

The brake works based on the fail-safe principle, i.e.: it engages in case of a power failure and is opened via a braking fan.

Yaw brakes KTR-STOP® YAW

Effective protection for the wind turbine against windsweeping and pulsating loads. Our yew brakes serve to align

Rotor lock / locking bolt

Rotor locks (locking bolts) block the rotors. This means that the rotors of wind turbines can be locked mechanically.

EMB-STOP SBT Stop Block Turn device

EMB-STOP SBT (Stop Block Turn brake) is made up of one or several disk brakes, locking elements and turn devices.

Electronic control system

Control system for program-controlled, accurate braking processes.

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